Geomedics Pharma


The perfect match

FotoFinder ATBM master

Automated Total Body Mapping


The goal is not the early detection of skin cancer, but the earliest detection!

Mosaic View

Visualizes new and changed lesions in the total body image and arranges them according to their relevance.

FotoFinder AI

Mole analyzer pro for analysis and pre-assessment of lesions as well as for optimization of the body scan results.

Super-fast Workflow

Thanks to our best processing unit, the procedure is extremely fast, intuitive, and delegable.

Crystal View Technology

Full HD video camera medicam 1000s with live zoom for a visual journey into skin structures.

PolFlash XE

High-resolution, polarized, and RAW-processed photos for cross-polarized medical imaging and for studio lighting for aesthetics.

Truly Mobile

Ready-to-use installed and mobile ATBM tower. Suited for stand alone and multi-user installations.

Objective PASI Determination

FotoFinder PASIvision is the world’s first system for computer-assisted and objective PASI assessment. This method improves the precise follow-up of psoriasis patients and the visualization of the treatment success. A revolution in medical imaging!